Ms. Jeanne E. Palazzo is a compassionate and educated professional with over 18 years of experience in different treatment settings including outpatient therapy, intensive case management, and hospice. She is highly qualified to help individuals (primarily age 16 to 80) develop and implement skills to reduce symptoms of a variety of mental conditions including Depression, Anxiety, Bipolar Disorder, Attention Deficit Disorder, etc. Ms. Palazzo is highly qualified to help people work through ordinary and extraordinary life adjustments.
Additionally, Ms. Palazzo works with couples and families psychodynamically to develop relational mindfulness and mutual help. She works with couples and families to improve communication. Ms. Palazzo’s scope of practice includes Dialectic Behavioral Therapy and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. She applies theoretical frameworks including empowerment, life coaching, object relations, and attachment theory.
Additionally, Ms. Palazzo is currently learning about and incorporating Emotionally Focused Therapy for couples into her work with people, and has been accepted to the Institute of Psychodynamic Therapy in New Jersey. Ms. Palazzo provides a comfortable and relaxing atmosphere. She is down to earth and enjoys helping people work through and experience transformation through life’s losses, challenges, beginnings, and opportunities. Ms. Palazzo believes a sense of humor, in the words of Milton Berle, “is an instant vacation.” She wants you to relax and be yourself, be playful. She explores with all of her patients how they have fun.
Primary Office Location
(201) 488-5161